Compliance Training

At Citadel Information Management, we know and understand how important the proper management and disposal of confidential information is to your company or organization. With the increasing number of laws and regulations pertaining to the proper disposal of confidential information, we know that your first line of defense is the development of a written Compliance Policy as well as an Employee Awareness and Acknowledgement of the policy.
In fact, many regulations require companies to have written policies and procedures addressing the protection and disposal of confidential information. Without written policies and procedures, organizations run the risk of being negligent and therefore, indirectly demonstrate their lack of adequately attempting to comply with company wide information protection duties.
Citadel’s trained Sales Executives have many tools that they use for compliance training for your employees. Citadel has a video that shows the importance of proper destruction and the value of outsourcing your destruction. Through this training video it teaches your staff the reason on why proper destruction is critical to the organization and to their continued employment. Citadel will even provide a permanent copy to you for ongoing training of new employees and annual retraining of all employees. We can equip your staff with written instructions on your organization’s specific information destruction procedures. Citadel’s trained Sales Executives will be glad to prepare this short document. We also supply an employee acknowledgment verifying that your employees have viewed the training video, understand the written destruction policy and agree that ongoing compliance is a condition of their employment.
As a part of our commitment to our customers and to help ensure proper management and disposal of confidential information, we offer the expertise to partner with your company to develop a written Compliance Policy, Risk Assessments and Employee Awareness and Acknowledgement.