Charitable Events

Citadel's Shred 4 Rescues Showcases Adoptable Animals
Several rescue animal groups come together every year to showcase their adoptable four-legged friends to the community for Shred 4 Rescues, hosted by Citadel Information Management.
A pet-friendly company with strong involvement in animal welfare, Citadel’s annual event includes on-site document destruction, pet adoptions, games, and family fun. Those who attend can have their secure documents shredded for $4.00 per box or bag, and all proceeds will go to the rescue organizations involved in the event.
The press is always welcome to attend, and there will be ample adorable photo opportunities with the pets. For more information contact Nicole Austin at (630) 323-1540 or by email at
Shred 4 Rescues is hosted by Citadel Information Management, and the event takes place at 1287 Naperville Drive, Romeoville, IL 60446.